Language Activities

We believe that language learning works best – and is most fun – when you put it to practice as often as you can. In order to facilitate and stimulate this, we organize a range of language activities where you can meet fellow students and practice your Dutch in an infomal and stress-free setting.


One of our Language Activities is the TCH Taalcafé, which we organize every month at our home base Café Kiebêrt in Amsterdam Zuid. Here, we get together for a couple of hours to socialize and engage in some entertaining activities hosted by our language coaches.


Our Language Excursions to cultural venues in the Amsterdam area are very popular with our students. Krzysztof Dobrowolski-Onclin of Bureau Boeiend, arguably the very best, and without any doubt the most charming tour guide in Amsterdam, takes us on a tour in which he explains everything in such a way that even beginners in Dutch can easily understand.


Learning with a bite is a range of special activities and workshops that give language learning a culinary touch.

More about Language Activities: